Kinky Friedman
      Kinky Friedman
1. Greenwich Killing Time  1986
2. A Case of Lone Star  1987
3. When the Cat's Away  19898
4. Four Elements of Murder  1995
5. Frequent Flyer  1989
6. Elvis, Jesus & Coca Cola  1993
7. Armadillos & Old Lace  1994
8. God Bless John Wayne  1995
9. The Love Song of J. Edgar Hoover  1996
10. Roadkill  1997
11. Blast from the Past  1998
12. Spanking Watson  1999
13. The Mile High Club  2000
14. Stepping on a Rainbow  2001
15. Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch  2002
16. The Prisoner of Vandam Street  2004
17. Ten Little Indians  2005
1. Kill Two Birds and Get Stoned  2003