Travel Bug Pictures - 2024   JULY - AUGUST  (newest on top)
On to September & October

A Fairy named Laura BL     Bayern, Germany 
"I took this trackable with me on my further journey at the
 event "☕️ Coffee in the Morning ☕️" in Lichtenfels"

ARIEL     Oberösterreich, Austria
"thank you for your nice company and good luck with your trip!"

ARIEL     Oberösterreich, Austria
"Nice gardens and nice people, so Ariel decided to move
with someone else."

A Fairy named Amy #5     Ohio
"A Fairy named Amy #5 meets space cat.It is a purrrfect friendship. Amy #5 will be living with us and space cat
 for  a little while before taking a trip to her next cache.
Thank you for the smiles."

A Gnome named Andrew #1       Massachusetts 
"Apologizes for the late log, we retrieved the travel big on 6/24/23. It no longer has the gnome but s wrestling award with
 a travel flea. We will leave it at our next find."

A Fairy named Jubilee Ann #4 and
A Fairy named Clover Jean #2
are ready to travel.

Jeanie Duck 3 is ready to travel

Jubilee Ann with A Fairy named Jubilee Ann #4

Clover Jean with A Fairy named Clover Jean #2

C.J. Grasshopper #2                   Cypyus
"Snagged from a nice spot in Cyprus- now on the way!"

Michael with A Gnome named Michael #4

Parker with A Gnome named Parker Michael #3

Emmett with A Gnome named Emmett Louis #2
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