Travel Bug Pictures - 2020 - SEPTEMBER  (newest on top)
On to October

At our MASH Cache"

Gnome Cyril Sheldon4        Michigan
"Just visiting the park up near Roscommon, MI"

Michael Duck2        Colorado
"Went down the road to visit Stinger"

Reindeer Christmas Duck 
Basel Landschaft, Switzerland
Lux Gruyer"

Reindeer Christmas Duck         
Schwyz, Switzerland
Das Rumfass von Barnabas"

Reindeer Christmas Duck         
Schwyz, Switzerland
Das Rumfass von Barnabas innen"

Emmett with Emmett Rocketship travel bug

Emily with a Fairy named Emily #5 travel bug.

Fairy Laura L #3 is on her way.

Gnome Sheldon Jr #5 is on her way.

Alan Hipster       Arizona
"Enjoy the journey Alan.
- Rainy"

Snow Duck                Pennsylvania
"Grabbed this travel bug while doing a little trail running
 in South Park. Looks like it's been stuck at this
 cache for over a year. Will move it along soon."

Nachdem du umgehend auf die Behandlung in
 der Reha Dr. Phu reagiert hast, kannst du schon
 bald wieder weiterreisen. Est kommst du noch
 etwas in die Ruhezone um deine Rekonvaleszenz
vollkommen abzuschliessen.

Ich wünsche dir eine schöne und erlebnisreiche Weiterreise.
 Pass gut auf dich auf.

Alles Gute und viel Spass  --- Dr. Phu

[After you immediately responded to the treatment
at the Dr.
Phu has reacted, you can move on soon.
Est you come to the rest zone for a while to complete
 your convalescence.

I wish you a nice and eventful onward journey.
 Take good care of yourself.

All the best and have fun]  ---  Dr. Phu   

2012 Gnome Cyri   Basel Landschaft, Switzerland

First Mate Hector    Florida

First Mate Hector    Florida
"Moving on with pic"

Gnome Cyril Sheldon4  begins his travels    VIDEO

Stony Creek Butterfly            Utah
Back to August
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