Travel Bug Pictures - 2017 - AUGUST (newest on top)
On to more August 2017

Laura with a Fairy named LauraL2

Jennifer with  Fairy Jennifer3

Eric with  A Gnome named Eric2

 Fairy Grandma Pat begins her travels

begins its travels around our world

Stegosaurus Dino Duck
begins his travels

Emmett wit
h Stegosaurus Dino Duck

Emmett Butterfly
begins his travels

Emmett with
Emmett Butterfly

 A Pirate Duck named Bart begins his travels
looking for the treasure of Mary Hyde

begins her travels

Bobo Duck
begins his travels

A Gnome named Chad4
starts his travels

Pirate Sarah  Duck
starts her travels
looking for the treasure of Mary Hyde

Pirate Tobias Duck
starts his travels
looking for the treasure of Mary Hyde

Tyrannasaurus Dinosaur Duck starts his travels

 Emmett with Tyrannasaurus Dinosaur Duck

A Fairy named Debbie3
begins her journey

begins his journey

Pirate Jack Duck 
begins his journey
looking for the treasure of Mary Hyde

Pirate Pete Duck
begins his journey
looking for the treasure of Mary Hyde

Triceratops Dino Duck begins his journey

Emmett with Triceratops Dino Duck

Met my Dad to find a travel bug prison!  
But my dad can't log it because he's not premium.
 But I logged it and we had fun!! 😀

Pirate Duck Patch placed; ready to travel
looking for the treasure of Mary Hyde
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