pic |
need pic |
Pirate Parker |
Pirate Emmett |
Pirate Jubilee |
Pirate Clover |
miles 4/05/24 |
miles 9/15/24 |
miles 4/20/24 |
miles 8/27/22 |
miles 10/03/23 |
started:5/14/21 Michigan Texas Washington Oregon back to Washington back to Texas |
started:5/14/21 Michigan Ohio Indiana Ohio Wisconsin Puerto Rico South Carolina North Carolina back to Ohio Pennslyvania Missouri Akansas Kentucky Tennessee back to Kentucky |
started:5/14/21 Michigan Wisconsin Michigan Florida Georgia Mississippi Colorado Texas Okahoma Texas New Mexico Texas |
started:5/14/21 Michigan Booty_Fever grabbed it |
started:10/03/23 Michigan |
Calico Jack |
Anne Bonny |
20,831 miles 1/01/25 |
miles 8/01/23 |
started:8/10/23 Michigan Ohio New York Pennsylvania West Virginia Maryland North Carolina Georgia New Jersey New York back to Michigan back to Ohio Wyoming Colorado South Dakota Nebraska Indiana Kentucky Maryland West Vitginia back to Pennsylvania |
started:8/01/23 Michigan |
One Eye |
Bones |
Patch |
Pete |
miles 7/24/17 |
miles 1/28/18 |
miles 8/20/19 |
miles 8/03/17 |
started:7/24/17 Michigan "We are heading to Seattle next week. Happy to take this little guy along for the ride. Here is to hoping that he finds the treasure of Mary Hyde. " In the hands of Ruff-Fam |
started:7/25/17 Michigan MISSING "This Trackable has been marked 'missing' by a cache owner" |
started:8/01/17 Michigan "Took patch. Will take him up to northern west Michigan. " after years... |
started:8/03/17 Michigan Bob White Nature Trail Lower Huron MetroPark MISSING "Did not see this today in GC71TJ7 GLW01 Glacial Lake Whittesey" ---8/26/17 "Sorry to report that this Travel Bug is no longer in the cache where it was last dropped." ---9/03/17 |
Lady Captain |
Lady Bones |
Lady Patch |
Lady Swabby |
miles 11/10/17 |
miles 12/11/17 |
miles 3/22/20 |
miles 12/26/17 |
started:7/30/17 Michigan Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota |
started:7/29/17 Michigan Iowa |
started:7/25/17 Michigan Indiana MISSING NOT MISSING Massachusetts Conneticutt |
started:7/25/17 Michigan Ohio Florida In the hands of dp7811 |
Bart |
Jack |
Tobias |
Sarah |
John Hyde |
miles 4/21/18 |
miles last seen:8/04/17 |
miles 7/12/18 |
miles 9/11/20 |
.2 miles 9/04/17 |
started:8/11/17 Michigan "Ahoy matey! Bart the pirate duck was strong armed into capture despite his valiant attempt to elude the authorities and parlay for his freedom. He shall be taken into custody at the next foreseeable travelbug holding facility." South Carolina MISSING NOT MISSING "I grabbed the TB on 12/16 and currently have it in my possession. It was not my intent to make it go missing, but we picked it up right before my husband's surgery. Due to his near death experience on the OR table, I neglected to mark it in a timely manner." Alaska "This TB was not in the Anchorage TB cache . It was dropped off six months ago. Best mark it as missing." |
started:8/04/17 Michigan Willow MetroPark MISSING Sadly, there is no trackable in cache as stated. ---8/22/17 "This Travel Bug is NOT in the cache where it was last dropped." ---9/03/017 |
started:8/05/17 Michigan Ontario, Canada back to Michigan Arizona Illinois NewYork back to Arizona Texas back to Arizona "Aaargh! Picked this matey up in Cave Creek Arizona (weird as there is no water... Maybe he got here by monsoon).. Will help him find more water" In the hands of mutt_and_tech |
started:8/05/17 Michigan Finland Mozambique W. Cape, South Africa Nambia Bottswana Zimbabwe Zambia Malawi Tanzannia back to Finland Iceland Washington Nevada California British Columbia Canada Alberta, Canada Hawaii |
started:9/01/17 Michigan "Happy Fam Seekers grabbed this one, but I was with her when she found it near Mallard Trail Stop (5) in Crosswinds Marsh! " In the hands of HappyFamSeeker |
Duck Pirate Anne |
Duck Pirate Jacquotte |
Duck Pirate Jeanne |
Duck Pirate Rachael |
miles 1/05/22 |
miles 3/21/20 |
5 miles 4/01/18 |
36 miles last seen:03/29/18 |
started:3/23/18 Michigan Minnesota South Carolina back to Minnesota Iowa Missouri Kansas back to Missouri back to Kansas back to Missouri back to Iowa back to Minnesota Pennsylvania back to Minnesota back to Pennsylvania back to Minnesota New Hampshire Massachusetts back to Pennsylvania back to Minnesota Washington Hawaii back to Minnesota Wisconsin back to Minnesota back to Massachusetts back to Minnesota Florida Bahamas back to Minnesota back to South Carolina back to Minnesota back to Hawaii California back to Wisconsin Texas back to Wisconsin Iowa back to Wisconsin Illinois back to Wisconsin back to Michigan back to Missouri |
started:3/23/18 Michigan Nevada Oregon duck went missing now just tag Nebraska California Idaho back to Oregon back to Idaho "Found just the tag today. We didn't have any duck toys but found this pagasus and attached the tag"--MamaHojo "Despite morphing into a beautiful Pegasus, Jacquotte has not forgotten her treasure hunting ways. Left in pirates treasure II (the sunken chest)." cache archived |
started:3/23/18 Michigan |
started:3/23/18 Michigan cache archived |
Captain Jack Duck |
First Mate Hector Duck |
Powder Monkey Will Duck |
Deck Hand Josh Duck |
miles 9/20/21 |
7,925 miles 8/10/21 |
miles 1/5/22 |
8,260 miles 3/06/24 |
started:1/01/20 Michigan California Hawaii Oregon |
started:1/01/20 Michigan West Virginia Maryland Delaware back to Maryland Virginia back to West Virginia back to Virginia back to Maryland back to Virginia Florida South Carolina Tennessee Indiana Ohio Kentucky back toTennessee Georgia back to Florida back to Tennessee back to Georgia Alabama back to Georgia |
started:1/01/20 Michigan Pennsylvania back to Michigan Ohio Illinois back to Michigan Missouri |
started:1/01/20 Michigan Japan |