Parker Astronaut Duck |
Emmett Rocketship Duck |
Jubille Witch Duck |
Emmett Ghost Duck |
Parker Dino Duck |
miles 8/05/22 |
19 mile 3/03/21 |
0 miles last seen:11/09/20 |
31 miles 3/08/21 |
miles 7/12/21 |
started:10/31/20 Michigan |
started:10/31/20 Michigan |
started:11/09/20 Michigan MISSING cache archived |
started:11/29/20 Michigan |
started:11/29/20 Michigan Ohio |
Brielle Witch Duck |
C.J. Dino Duck |
Blake Ghost Duck |
Clover Witch Duck |
Cedar Dino Duck |
started: Michigan |
started: Michigan |
started: Michigan |
started: Michigan |
started: Michigan |
Halloween Duck |
Vampire Ducky |
Vampire Duck |
Witch Ducky |
Witch Duck |
miles 6/16/24 |
miles 3/14/20 |
miles 12/27/19 |
miles 3/08/20 |
miles 12/22/19 |
started:10/04/18 Michigan Ohio back to MICHIGQN Indiana back to Michigan Pennsylvania Maryland West Virginia back to Pennsylvania New York New Jersey back to Pennsylvania back to New York back to West Virginia Ontario Canada British Columbia Washington California Switzerland Germany France back to Germany back to Switzerland back to Germany back to France back to Germany back to France back to Germany |
started:9/29/18 Michigan Florida Georgia Kentucky Illinois Missouri Kansas Nebraska Colorado Wyoming Utah Idaho |
started:9/30/18 Michigan Virginia Illinois |
started:10/04/18 Michigan "Hi Ducky. We love ducks. We brought some friends of yours over from Great Britain and Germany. We will take you to Germany to show you a little bit of the Halloween World over there." Wisconsin Germany Denmark back to Michigan Wisconsin Iowa |
started:10/31/18 Michigan Ohio back to Michigan Indiana back to Michigan back to Ohio California back to Ohio Oregon Washington |
Frankenstein Duck |
Frankenstein Ducky |
Bat Ducky |
Bat Duck |
Werewolf Duck |
Ghost Duck |
Mummy Duck |
miles last seen:4/20/20 |
miles last seen:4/09/23 |
miles 8/06/23 |
miles 12/2723 |
miles 6/20/21 |
miles 6/29/20 |
10,107 miles 8/04/23 |
started:10/31/18 Michigan Ohio Indiana back to Ohio Iowa Australia California Colorado back to Iowa Wisconsin llinois back to Iowa back to Illinois Missouri back to Illinios back to Missouri back to Iowa back to Michigan back to Indiana back to Iowa MISSING |
started:9/15/18 Michigan Ontario, Canada Kentucky Tennessee back to Michigan Washington British Columbia, Canada Liechtenstein Germany The Netherlands back to Germany Belgium back to The Netherlands MISSING after one year NOT MISSING back to Belgium back to The Netherlands back to Belgium back to Germany Denmark back to Germany back to Belgium France back to Belgium back to The Netherlands MISSING |
started:10/04/18 Michigan Ohio Indiana back to Ohio Wisconsin Illinois Ohio Kentucky after 2 years New York |
started:10/04/18 Michigan Ohio Kentucky back to Ohio Pennsylvania New Jersey Illinois Arizona New Jersey Delaware back to Pennsylvania back to New Jersey back to Pennslvania back to New Jersey Maryland West Virginia Virginia Iceland back to Pennsylvania back to Delaware after almost 3 years back to Maryland back to Virginia back to Maryland back to Virginia back to Ohio Missouri Kansas Idaho Utah back to Idaho back to Utah Colorado back to Utah New Mexico back to Arizona back to New Mexico back to Arizona Nevada |
started:10/04/18 Michigan |
started:10/04/18 Michigan Ohio |
started:10/04/18 Michigan Ohio Indiana Ohio Arkansas Texas Utal Wyoming after 3 years New Zealand |