Heritage Park First Day of Spring March 20

found Heritage Park: Red Robin cache   : )
Orchard Lake Trail
putting cache back

found The Path Less Traveled cache  : )
spur off River Trail

Key West Travel Bug #2  joins a TB  from Palm Springs

First Day of Spring

Couldn't find

Heritage Park: Burrowes

(It is on the top of a steep hill)
Heritage Park Second Day of Spring March 21

found The Journey Began Here cache : )
short spur off Estate Trail (no bushwhacking needed)

Travel Gnome #3  Travel Bug continues his journey
after a short visit back home

Can't see anything looking up the tree...

but with the flash...we can see the cache

found Are the Deer Watching You Too? cache : )

left Nassau Travel Bug #2 continues his journey

deer path off Meadow Trail
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